Keratin therapy Montreal offers a safe and effective method to straighten hair. It works on curly, wavy or frizzy locks alike and can be tailored specifically for each client’s individual needs.
Corinne Ohayon founded Keratinworks after her trip to Florida left her with unruly and frizzy locks that became difficult to manage, prompting her to create an formaldehyde-free keratin smoothing system.
Reduces Frizz
Keratin hair treatments can be very useful for people with frizzy or thick locks, as they reduce styling time while making their locks more manageable in humid conditions. Furthermore, these treatments help eliminate frizz by smoothing out cuticle surface of locks.
Keratin is an all-natural protein produced in our bodies that provides strength and structure to hair, nails and skin. Located within the cortex and medulla of hair shafts, keratin helps prevent moisture entering from outside by creating a protective barrier around each strand to ensure smooth hair texture.
Many traditional Brazilian keratin treatments contain formaldehyde, an unhealthful chemical which may trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. But Keratinworks has developed a safe and effective keratin treatment free of formaldehyde called the Classic Treatment that can be tailored specifically to meet an individual’s specific needs – helping smooth hair while simultaneously hydrating, renewing shine and decreasing blow-dry times.
Long-Lasting Results
Keratin treatments smooth out outer layers of cuticle cells to promote natural-looking straightening of hair, lasting several months with proper use of mild shampoos without harsh sulfates or excessive blow-drying/flat ironing of your locks. Regular shampooing with mild products that do not contain sulfates as well as not overheat styling could extend their durability even further.
Keratin treatments work by submerging your hair in a solution of protein keratin and straightening agents, causing its fibers to cross-link with each strand of keratin for straighter, healthier looking locks. They also strengthen and nourish hair’s natural proteins for reduced damage and breakage risks.
Unfortunately, some keratin treatments contain formaldehyde that is harmful to health if inhaled or comes into contact with skin and eyes. There are alternatives available which are safer for your hair such as the following:
Suitable for All Hair Types
Keratin treatments work to replenish your natural protein supply in your hair, alleviating dryness and frizz while strengthening it to make it less susceptible to breakage or split ends. They’re suitable for all hair types – curly or straight; whether wavy or curly; for curlier textures they will reduce frizz making managing them simpler.
Keratin treatments are an ideal choice for people who color their hair, as they protect the color by sealing it in. Furthermore, these treatments make your strands shinier and easier to manage so that styling them takes less time overall.
An effective keratin treatment involves having your stylist apply a product formulated with keratin to your hair, blow dry it and use a flat iron to seal in. Chemicals in this product modify cross-linking of keratin strands which changes their cross-linking, producing straight or smooth locks. Properly done by professionals, effects from this hair treatment can last for 12 weeks or more!
Safe to Use
Many keratin treatments contain formaldehyde, a colorless and pungent gas which can be hazardous to health when inhaled. Studies have linked formaldehyde exposure with cancer, respiratory distress and eye irritation as well as leukemia in repeated exposure cases; thus many states and countries have banned formaldehyde-containing keratin treatments at hair salons.
However, salons can still provide keratin hair smoothing treatments without formaldehyde. Such products typically contain bonded aldehydes that do not release formaldehyde when heated; and are thus safer for both clients and salon professionals to use.
To reduce risks associated with keratin treatments, salon owners must comply with all safety protocols and ensure their salon is well ventilated. In addition, patch testing should be performed prior to beginning treatments for all clients in order to identify allergies or sensitivities before treatment begins, as well as investing in extensive staff training on proper application techniques and product knowledge.